202 Sponsorship Commitment Form
August 8 & 9, 202
--- VISIONÄR (Visionary) $1,500
10 Oktoberfest mugs, plus 20 free bier coupons (ID required to be served), Band Stage banner listing, table tent & website listing, print and radio mention.
--- BETEILIGTE (Partner) $1,000
10 free bier coupons (ID required to be served), Band Stage banner listing, table tent & website listing, print and radio mention.
--- BOTSCHAFTER (Ambassador) $500
5 free bier coupons (ID required to be served), table tent & website listing, print and radio mention.
--- BEFÜRWORTEN (Advocate) $250
Table tent & website listing.
--- VORKÄMPFER (Champion) $100
Table tent listing.
Please select the sponsorship level of your choice and submit or return this form by June 1st along with payment, made to the Maysville Rotary Club, P.O. Box 322, Maysville, KY 41056. Please email jpeg or PNG version of logo to: info@MaysvilleOktoberfest.org REMEMBER, the sooner you return this form, the sooner we can publicize you as a sponsor on our website, Facebook, and printed materials. If needed, we can bill you later, but we would appreciate your commitment as soon as possible.
THANK YOU for your support and commitment to our community!
Food Vendors - $150 for Businesses and $75 for non-profits;
Retail Vendors - $50 for Businesses and $25 for non-profits.
It is the vendor's responsibility to obtain all permits required by the City of Maysville (606-564-9419).
We wish we did not have to charge rental, but because we want television, newspapers, and radio advertising, funds are needed to make this happen. All booth rental monies collected will be used for the purpose of generating increased attendance.
Thank you for considering participation in our Annual Maysville Oktoberfest. We are very proud of our German heritage and look forward to a grand celebration in its honor. In this spirit, we are looking for services and items related to German culture. We appreciate your interest in supporting this event! (Remember, spots are limited, so get your request in early!)
Please fill out this form and submit or return this form by June 15th to Maysville Rotary Club, P.O. Box 322, Maysville, KY 41056, or email to: info@MaysvilleOktoberfest.org